Diversity and Equity in Science

As a Black and Jewish woman with a commitment to scientific excellence and compassionate mentorship, I aim to contribute meaningfully to my scientific community and beyond as a scientist, teacher, mentor, and advocate for diversity, equity, inclusion, and justice.
Forming and maintaining communities where scientists with marginalized and historically excluded identities can flourish is critical not only to the success of these scientists, but also to the success of a scientific field that aims to be more equitable, vibrant, innovative, and rigorous. Below you can find some organizations that I have created and worked with to increase diversity, equity, and inclusion in my field.
Diversity and Inclusion Task Force, Dept. of Human Evolutionary Biology, Harvard University
(Co-Founder, Former Director)
Black in Biological Anthropology Collective
(Co-Founder, Former Director)
Summer Math and Science Academy (SMASH) Alumni Board
(Former Director)